Lee Stafford hair growth treatment product!

I bought this product yesterday after seeing it in Boots for £7.99! Its a pink tub full of a creamy pinky coloured mixture. It quite runny and gloopy so be careful when you open the tub! I've dropped a little on my bedroom carpet before by opening the tub. It's protein based to fertilize your follicles, which creates a healthy environment on the scalp to help your hair grow faster and reach its potential length. You use it inbetween your shampoo and conditioner. It says to massage into your scalp from roots to tip and leave it on for around five minutes. I really like this product and I will be using it for the next few months to see if it makes a difference to my hair. One thing it does do is make your hair alot softer. It will strengthen your hair to stop it breaking off, and if you use alot of heat products or have slacp strain from tying hair up alot, you probably have alot of hairs breaking off so this product will deffinately help you! The texture of the mixture is almost like conditioner and the instructioms say to use an egg size amount ( I scoop abit up using four fingers) and massage from root to tip of the hair, then leave it in for five minutes. You use the product inbetween shampoo and conditioner, and it will strengthen your hair. I will be re-reviewing this product in a few months and let you know if it has made a difference to my hair!
Have you tried this product yet?
/H xx
The product inside

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